Set up Site

Create a Website or Blog to show your work

To submit work and keep a record of what you have done in this course, you will need to create an online presence for yourself. Depending on what technology you have available, this could be a Blog or a Website.

Blogs are easier, and can be created from your phone. I created this one in about 5 minutes using my phone. (See the Video Below)
If you have a gmail account, Blogger is the easiest, but you can choose any you want. (Just make sure it is NOT used for things beside school, as I do NOT want to see your regular social media feeds!)

If you prefer to build a website, here are 10 options for free websites. Again you can use any you like, but it should NOT be used for things beside school work.

Editor X has some great templates for sites as well:



Set up the Blog or Website, give it a unique name and customize it. Add some photos or graphic designs to the Blog or Site if you can.


Make your first post

  • Photo 1 Post your favorite photo (your own or found) and explain why it is your favourite, who took the photo and when and where it was taken. Also add if you think it is a good photo and why (not)
  • Photo 2 Post the ‘Response’ assignment (take a screenshot of the image your are responding to
  • Photo 3 Post some recent photos you have taken and explain their context
  • Graphic Arts: Post TWO graphic designs (not a photos) and explain what you find interesting about them (Message, Colour, Design, Layout…. up to you to explain your choice)


Send me a link to your Blog or Page, so I can see your work.

Feedback and evaluation will happen on Teams, but this will be a record, so no work gets ‘lost’

Blogger Blog Video

Wix Site Video