
STICKER DESIGN – Illustrator / Photoshop


Crate a number of stickers, using the design tools you have learned.

  • Create a number of sticker designs, using the tools we have learned.
    • You can use any software you like
    • Images have to be YOUR creation (not downloaded)
    • Submit RAW files (Photoshop layers, uncombined vector images, etc..)
    • Create at least 5 unique designs
  • Place your designs so you waste the least amount of space.
  • Do a Black and White test Print to see how the picture will come out.
  • Submit your design for marking.
    • If you want to receive 1 page of printed COLOUR stickers please pay $2 to cover toner & label costs

– 5 different sticker designs
– All images should fit in the printable area of the page (VIEW / PRINTABLE AREA)
– Use your Name & Block in the File Name


Complexity, effort, neat idea


– Make sure all images have borders and are easily cut out.

Illustrator Line Art Video

Gallery of Samples