One A Day

Take photos of one person or object once or twice a day for at least two weeks


Option 1: Pick a person and take a photo of them once or twice daily for at least 14 days.
– Make sure each photo tells a story – what is the person doing, wearing, feeling in the photo
– no two photos should be alike.

Option 2: Pick an object (your feet for example) and take at least 20 photos of this object that are UNIQUE
– Each photo should be unique and tell a story.
– If you picked your feet – what shoes are you wearing, where are you gong with them, doing what?
– BTW: If you do this right, you might be able to monetize your images 🙂

When you post the photos to your blog, add the date and a one sentence or phrase to go with each image

How to Tips:

– if shooting a person, you can try to go for different settings, or try to always get the same setting.
– Make sure each image is unique
– Experiment with lighting and composition to make the images more interesting.
– The collection of photos should tell a story!

Gallery of Samples