SKILLS REVIEW – Photo Production
Counts as two assignments:
Refresh your skills from pervious courses and show me that you know what you are doing – I am available to answer questions, but you should know how to take a roll of film, develop, print, scan the photos, then modify the images in Photoshop and submit them electronically using InDesign or a Blog.
If you are NOT at all sure what to do, you might consider completing Photo II instead, where you will learn all the required skills.
- Think of a photographic theme & get the idea approved
- Take at least 20 photographs (Keep track of exposure times and F Stops)
- Show to your teacher for making. (tTis is the first of two marks)
- Print your best 8 pictures
- Scan photos, adjust them in Photoshop for brightness, contrast, etc to make them PERFECT
- Create a MULTIPAGE document in InDesign and place your 8 photos
- You could also create a Blog.
- Add some captions to your photos, that explain your theme and give details about the shots
- Who / What is your Subject and what is in the background
- Camera, Lens, F-stop and exposure time information
- What was done in Photoshop
- Example:
- Two little kids during outside Playtime at the KCC
- Pentax K1000, 50mm; F2.8; 1/250
- Contrast and brightness adjusted in Photoshop CS5
- Add backgrounds or borders to your pages for “Extending” marks.
– Photographic theme (Old Buildings, Mailboxes, Hastings Bus at 4pm, etc. )
– Photographic Elements, or other subject for school (Science Class, PE)
– Any others? – Try me! – You are able to sign out cameras overnight if you have good idea.
How to Guide & Video
Gallery of Samples