Use the cropping/selecting skills you learned in the action sequence to combine two or more images in Photoshop. The final image should look plausible, and realistic. A gerbil in your pencil case, elephant in your cupboard or celebrity in your closet are all possibilities.
You can use images from the web and combine them with ones you have taken.
You will need to make 2 distinct images that look REAL or PLAUSIBLE – check if you are not sure!
- Spend no more than 1 class shooting, downloading or scanning your image
- Collect at least 8 different source files you can work with
- Spend at least one class selecting, cropping and refining edges of your image
- Trim, crop, remove backgrounds etc on all objects AND SAVE AS COPIES
- Keep your original files to submit..
- Spend one class combining your image.
- Use Layers, so you can try out different ideas
- Make at Least 2 images, using your same source materials
- One InDesign File where you :
- Place your original images and edited pieces on one page
- Place your completed images on a second page
KEY CRITERIA: At least 8 images, cropping & editing, InDesign file complete
• Watch for direction of lighting, relative sizes and perspective
• Adjust colour balance of combined images to get a ‘perfect’ result
Gallery of Samples