


Not every photo you take is perfect, and many photos could tell more than one story. In this assignment I want you to take some photos that could tell three different stories and practice your ‘cropping’ vision.


Take TWO PHOTOS that have at least 3 different subjects / objects in them

  • These could be photos you have taken previously, but they MUST be your own
  • Include where you took the photos in your assignment
  • The Photo should have some meaning for you, not just be a random photo
  • You could take a photo of your favourite place in Kits

Decide which parts you will crop – All crops should be the same 4×6 ratio (four to a page)


  • Open an InDesign document with 2 pages (start with page 2)
  • Place each of the two photos on their own page – about 4×6 inches
  • Hold down the ‘ALT’ key and dag the image to make three extra copies copy of each image
  • Click on the circle in the middle of the picture and then resize and move the images within 3 of the boxes you made
  • Make sure you do not distort the images (hold down your ‘shift’ to lock the aspect ratio)
  • Answer questions (See below)


  • Open your image
  • Use cropping tool (Set aspect ratio at top left to 4×6)
  • Crop portion of the image
  • SAVE AS with a new name, so you do not loose the original image
  • Repeat for the other crops, starting with the full image and saving with new name.
  • Post all versions on your blog and answer the questions below:


  • Answer these four questions and place next to your 3 crops
    1. Where and when did you take the photo?
    2. What does the photo mean to you?
    3. What parts can you crop out separately? (There should be a reason for each crop)
    4. How do the different ways of cropping change the mood or feeling of the picture?

 KEY CRITERIA: images are well composed, crops not distorted and ‘normal’ photo shape, full sentence answers


Try to make each cropped image look NOTHING like the other crops – as if from a different photo

How to Video (For InDesign

Gallery of Samples