Take your first images to share with your classmates – Our first two days of shooting
Part 1:
Go out solo, or with partners and take photos which show Leading lines, Rule of thirds, Shapes and Patterns
Post your best photographs on teams – we will look at them the next day and talk about them
Be prepared to talk about why you chose to post your photo and where you see leading lines, rule of thirds, Shapes and Patterns
Part 2:
After discussing your posted photos, go out again and take a minimum of 3 images of
Position of subject
Placement of camera
Post your best photographs on teams – we will look at them the next day and talk about them
Be prepared to talk about why you chose to post your photo and what you tried to accomplish with your Camera and Subject placement and how you tried using framing (what frames what)
Part 3:
Post at least one photo of each element on your site/blog AND LABEL which element you see in the photos
- Rule of Thirds
- Line
- Shape (with Framing)
- Pattern
- Texture
- Position of Subject
- Placement of Camera
Post the link to this page / post in Teams