– Using negatives you have taken so far (or from home) experiment with some advanced darkroom Techniques.
– Read pages 86/87 and 130-135 in “The Step-by-Step Guide to Photography” about Darkroom techniques and effects.
– Then try some – most pictures can be improved with dodging or burning, and there are many special effects you can try.
– One print each of Dodging and Burning (also include a non-modified print for comparison
– One print of a vignette, either white or black
– One print of at least two of the following effects: Screen, Photogram/Negative or, Double printing
– Explain which of the methods you found hardest and why.
– Present in a creative way
KEY CRITERIA: Can see effect clearly
Dodge: Different from Original
Burn: Different from Original
Vignette: Soft Edge / No Edge
Screen: Best Result Chosen
Photogram / Negative: Good effect (explained)
Double Printing: Solid Print
If you want to use filters, you will need to sign them out and be responsible for the cost of filters
($70 / set or $10 a filter) if they are damaged or get wet – be careful!.
– To use Filters, pick one print, and then use both a low number filer and high number filter to show the difference in contrast that results. Don’t forget about the time multiplication factor of filters